stay calm at shorline Dental
Does the mere thought of visiting the dentist fill you with panic or anxiety? You are not alone. Approximately 40% of United States adults experience some form of dental anxiety or phobia. We don't want your dental anxieties to get in the way of you receiving the dental care that you need. For your relaxation and comfort, our dentist in Fort Walton Beach offers sedation dentistry for patients.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
There is no such thing as a 100% safe treatment. But, as professionals, we can identify known risks and take precautions to minimize risks to our patients.
When we administer nitrous oxide and oral sedation at Shoreline Dental Studio, we monitor vital signs to ensure you are safely sedated. With nitrous oxide, the effect can be quickly reversed by turning off the nitrous oxide and applying oxygen. We also have drugs available to reverse the effects of oral sedatives if you do happen to experience a side effect or unpleasantness from the sedative. Even with nitrous oxide, a sedative widely regarded as “safe,” there are over 10 safety checks in place to ensure it is administered safely.
It's Not Just for Anxieties
If you are undergoing an invasive and/or lengthy procedure, nitrous oxide or oral sedation may still be administered (even if you don't have dental anxiety). This is done because certain sedatives also have a pain-reducing effect. Therefore, a sedative may be used alongside a local anesthetic to help ensure you remain relaxed and free of pain throughout the duration of the procedure.